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There are many ways you can contribute, and every little bit that you commit goes a long way.

Learn more about how you can get involved and take advantage of the opportunity to do some good.

Two Men Shaking Hands


How to be a member

Architecture Model Sketching


Ask us regarding processing assistance

Old Study


Required for PRC license renewal

  • I am interested in being a member, but I am not residing in Northern California."
    Preferably, you should be a member of a UAP Chapter near your place of residence. If no UAP Chapter is available in your state, you can be a member of our Chapter. We are the only chapter who caters to everyone in the US - no matter what state you live in
  • I am interested in being a member, but I have never registered to be a member in any UAP Chapter."
    You can apply to be a UAP member at any time. Contact your nearest UAP Chapter for assistance. If you do not belong to any chapter in the Philippines, you can certainly join our Chapter right away.
  • What should I do to be considered as an active member in good standing?
    You have to be up-to-date on your membership fees from UAP National and from your Chapter.
  • I am an inactive member, is there an ongoing amnesty program available?"
    No active program at this time. Note: previously, 2023 & 2019, there was an amnesty program for inactive members on their annual national membership dues only. See
  • How do I start the process of being a member? (new members or transfer from another chapter)
    Visit and fill out the applicable form and send to the posted email address. Once received, UAP National will assess the necessary fees and we will send you options for the methods of payment.
  • I need assistance for my Professional ID Card (PIC) renewal application.
    Once you are a member of our Chapter & in good standing, we can assist in your renewal application. Read the information provided on this website to familiarize yourself with the process. & Please read this notice regarding the current backlog of PRC license renewal applications.
  • My Professional ID Card expires on or after to March 1, 2019. Do I need to have a CPD record for my Professional ID Card renewal?"
    As of March 1, 2019, any licensed architect who works outside of the Philippines is exempted from the CPD requirement (unless the country you're in requires it). See Section 10.2 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 10912 known as the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016.
  • My Professional ID Card expired prior to March 1, 2019. Do I need to have a CPD record for my Professional ID Card renewal?"
  • How many CPD units are required for renewal?
  • I do not have enough CPD hours, can I still renew?"
    Renewal of Professional Identification Cards (PIC) without full CPD Compliance are accepted until December 2020. The only requirement is that, prior to renewal, the applicant must execute an “Affidavit of Undertaking”. This document is an indication of the applicant’s shall undertake and comply with the required credit units before the next renewal. The form for Affidavit of Undertaking is available in
  • Are AIA continuing education credits eligible for CPD points?
    AIA CEU, LEED CU and other international courses are accepted for CPD credits. See the self-directed program matrix at
  • How often do UAP members meet?
    UAP Monthly General Membership Meeting (GMM) are held once a month. Typically on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
  • I live far from the Monthly General Membership Meeting (GMM) place. Can I attend online via teleconference?
    Yes, a link to join the meeting online is available


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