Our General Membership Meetings (GMM) typically includes an hour long presentation
from guest speakers to discuss latest trends and issues in our field.
See our Upcoming Events section for further details.

January 28, 2023
Annual Brainstorming Session!
10:00am - 4:00pm
The Breezeway, Kampala Cafe, Sacramento Zoo
3930 W Land Park Dr., Sacramento, CA 95822
Alternatively, see email for teleconference link.
We will be having our first brainstorming event for the year 2023. We will be holding the brainstorming session in Sacramento.
Email us if you are able to attend, and indicate how many are attending from your party. Family/friends are welcome to attend!

February 18, 2023
Monthly General Membership Meeting (GMM)
10:00am - 12:00pm
Join us for our monthly General Membership Meetings (GMM) online.
Email us if you need the meeting link.
New members are welcome to attend.
Monthly meeting for all chapter members.

March 18, 2023
Monthly General Membership Meeting (GMM)
10:00am - 12:00pm
Join us for our monthly General Membership Meetings (GMM) online.
Email us if you need the meeting link.
New members are welcome to attend.
Monthly meeting for all chapter members.